Find an exoplanet transit to observe

Select a region below and choose an event visible from your location.

Export selection to your calendar

NOTE: The maps on this page are no longer visible. Please visit the Scientific Events Prediction Page to view events visible to your location and the corresponding maps.

To find out if you can observe an exoplanet transit, simply select a row and zoom by scrolling on the map. If you are near any location with a symbol, you are qualified for that scientific mission! If there is not a symbol near your location, you will not be able to observe the event. 

Each symbol has a meaning:

  • Blue stars & shading = you can observe the entire event.
  • Yellow triangles = you can observe the entire event but you may have temporary tracking difficulty when the star passes almost directly overhead (high altitude).
  • Orange diamonds = you may miss the start or end of the event. These observations are still valuable!

You can click on any symbol for precise local observation times, target altitudes, and Sun altitudes.

Reading the Prediction Table:

  • The Link automatically populates observing settings into the Unistellar app’s “Exoplanet transits” Science menu.
  • Finder is an image of the target field of view. It may be rotated in your sky. 
  • Date is the observation start date in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • Start, End UTC is the event’s observation start or end time in UTC. Your local start or end time may differ.
  • Local is the observation start time in the time zone of your device’s browser.


New here?

Head to our Tutorial page linked below for guidance on how to master your Unistellar telescope and become a Planet Hunter. If you have any questions please contact us at citizenscience@unistellaroptics.com.